En blogg

Ja juste jag hade ju en blogg !
Pa senaste tiden har det varit mycket plugg och aktiviteter, men pa onsdag ar det springbreak och veckan efter det aker jag till N.Y

Florida var super roligt och spenderade nasta all var tid in Disney world, and I have to tell you dreams actually come true at Disney World.
My favorite part of the Florida trip was the beach and the work shop with the professional disney musican !
Going from a cold SD with probably a temperature of -2 F to a sunny Flordia with 80 F is kind of a major change .. but nice:)

Back in mitchell after a 36 h drive (my back will never be the same) I not just incredably gross but also really pumped up for the track season :)
So now Im in track three to four times a week and I love it :)

As I said springbreak's coming up and my plans is to catch up on some homework before I leave for Florida, get my college research done, practice for my imrov. jazz solo, hang out with friends and boyfriend, go to show choir comp. in Sloan, and call Sweden

So I hope you all still read my blogg now when I spent precious time to wright such a detailed blogg post :P

LOVE Rebecca

Postat av: Charlie

Det måste vara hard to write in Swedish?

Postat av: julia lilja

du ser ut att ha det väldigt bra rebecca :) Ska du börja college här i usa? now im really confused. Give me an update please!

2009-03-13 @ 01:53:37
URL: http://julialilja.blogg.se/

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