It's been a long night in New York city
Have a fab. week !
Love Becca
Friday Im in love
Regularity is obviosly not my thing lol but I blame it all on moving (and school, mostly school).
I havent done alot since last time I wrote, except homework, skiing and working out. In two weeks our class are going on a skiingtrip and Im really looking forward to it :) It's gonna be sooo much fun !
Love Becca
They say it's all about attitude
It's not interesting nor attractive, it's just freakin boring and hard to grasp ... what do you do ?
"life's a piece of shit, when you look at it " - Guy with australien accent from Life of Brian
I think I need a laugh, how about u ?
Love Becca
Heartbreak warfare
I thought 1,2 hour would be enough time but obviously not lol
So I ran from terminal 2 to the train, took the train to terminal 5, had to stand in line for 45 min for security realizing I dont even have to stand in it, I could just pass on the side :P. I got through security realizing my boarding started 15min ago and my plane leaves in 10. I ran without my shoes on to the gate and boarded as one of last one.
But now Im home in my warm room, and Im almost done packing :)
I miss you Chase <3
Love Becca
Back from Vegas
Snowed in !!
I wont worry my life away !
Im almost done with school and I started to pack for my trip today :) Later tonight Im gonna interview some people interested in a year in America, AWESOME ! Other then that my life is pretty sweet right now and Im longing for this week to end !
Love Becca
To do list update nr 2
Write report about gel filtration
Write report about b-glucose and b-hb
Write report about ion divider
Write report about paper chromatography
Write report about complex chromatography
Write an informative speech about the american dream for english class
Write an informative speech about relationships for swedish class
Final exam in Math
Biology exam about hormone
Final exam in Medicine
Swedish analysis about the book 1984
Essay exam
Im procrastinating writing my speech, but who cares ? Im almost done ! I was checking my inbox for old emails I've forgotten and I found this one , it warmed my heart
"How's life ? Pretty good here I guess, but I miss you alot. I keep seeing things that remind me of you and for some reason playing coldplay puts a warm feeling in me. Thats about all have to say I guess. Chase"
Love Becca
December 2nd
Love Becca
To Do list update !
Write report about gel filtration
Write report about b-glucose and b-hb
Write report about ion divider
Write report about paper chromatography
Write report about complex chromatography
Write an informative speech about the american dream for english class
Write an informative speech about relationships for swedish class
Final exam in Math
Biology exam about hormone
Final exam in Medicine
Swedish analysis about the book 1984
Essay exam
It's the final countdown. only 18 days until christmasbreak !
Love Becca
Christmas bonanza
I only have 19 days left of school and I'm starting to see light at the end of the tunnel.
I hope you all have a great week ...
Love Becca
Baby I've been around the world
Love Becca
where is life in this town?
I have so many hilarious memories from my East cost trip. And today Im craving New York!
Love Becca
Love Becca
Spirit gone missing !
Love Becca
"Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish."
Instead of today's musicvideo, today's commencement speach
Love Becca
To do list !
Im gonna share with you my to-do list for school (before christmas break). If I would add the stuff Im doing on spare time, this list could be miles :P
Write report about gel filtration
Write report about b-glucose and b-hb
Write report about ion divider
Write report about paper chromatography
Write report about complex chromatography
Write a commencement speach
Final exam in Math
Final exam in Medicine
Swedish analysis about the book 1984
Essay exam
Biology exam about hormone
I can see some all-nighters forming and getting together
Because of this hideous list Im gonna live by the motto;
"Dont worry ,be happy" , until December 18
Love Becca