I guess it was worse than I thought
So you know how I told you about the whole clumsiness incident from yesterday, I guess it was worse than I thought. So after a hectic day with everything from jazz band to birthday party, my hand still looked really bad. I got Nancy (Maike‘s host mum) to take a look at the injury and she told me that I better get that checked up. So at 22:20 I went in to the ER with Steve to see what was going on inside my arm, and the doctor told me that I have blood poison and it was kind of bad because it has started to spread thru my vein towards the upper arm and heart. But he subscribed some drugs so hopefully I’m going to be fine by next week .
Love Rebecca
Love Rebecca
Why am I so clumsy? First it was my ankle, than my thigh and today I fell and crashed one leg and one knee. I wonder if I got the clumsyness from mum or dad ,who’s to blame? Well I guess it’s a miracle what band aid, some pain pills, and a ice packet can do for you. Just wait a week and I will be as good as new (and than crash again)
Love Rebecca
Love Rebecca